Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Kat is back...

The weekend!!!! Happy Dance!! 


It has been a successful week of training. The first part of the week was hard. It took me a few days to adjust to spring daylight savings. Seriously people, day light savings should happen on a Friday afternoon, just saying. This is how I felt this week...

In fact, I had to put a sticky note over the clock on my computer screen at work so I wouldn't be looking at the time.  :P

As for training, Tuesday, I never got to swim with Flatout Jim, hopefully next Tuesday, I promise Jim, I will not back out. Tuesday evening was a battle with the TT, Tuesday Technology issues. Nothing worse than getting on the bike and your Garmin not working, absolutely, nothing worse, Sarah would completely understand my frustration.  Ahh. My Garmin didn't want to work at the time I wanted to bike....grr. It didn't even want to reset. But after 25 minutes my Garmin cooperated with me. Yay! Happy girl...

The turbo wo was 1-2-3-4-4-3-2-1 minutes, at threshold power/ HR & recovery is equal to work interval. The last four minutes was hard(er). When we hit the last 3 minute block, Bob said to me,"wait a second, we never did the 2nd  4min  block", I was happy to inform him that we did do the 2nd 4 min blocks, lucky guy for zoning out! I, on the other hand, not so lucky, I remember the 2nd 4 min block and was wishing it to be over :P

Wednesday's was a 55 min easy run including hills. My pre snack before my run was my Aunt Lois's homemade "Date Orange Tea buns, these tea buns are soo yummy and if you like dates, you will love these yummy tea buns, the recipe is not up on her blog yet but soon to be, you can check out more of  my Aunt's recipes at Stuffed at the Gills, and if you are interested in vegetarian recipes, aunt Lois's got some yummy recipes, some recipes I grew up eating and some new ones. Anyhow,  aunt Lois's tea buns was a good way to start off my morning. 

The run was suppose to be hilly which is not a problem in St. John's, this city is built on a hill! -14C and little to no wind! It is rare to have no wind in St. John's, rare.

This is us at 5:55 am. It was a perfect morning, so nice to see the sunrise! The morning was cold and the fresh air was my "cup of joe". 

The first part of my run, my legs were a little "heavy" from the night before spin and I am still recovering from training with the Beast this last summer/fall. 

The Beast made me in to a better runner and showed me how to push myself when I wanted to quit, the Beast motivated me on every run. And if anyone knows the Beast, she is not a quitter. I just received an email from The Beast, she wants to start another run training in the spring, I'm hoping to join in IF my shins will let me....

Thursday's was time back in the saddle. The wo was a conditioning workout, increasing the heart every 4 minutes. 
Minutes %HR
10 70
4 72
4 74
4 76
4 78
4 80
4 82
4 84
4 86
4 88
4 90
10 cool down, selecting the necessary gearing to achieve above heart rate above whilst maintaining 90 cadence give or take. This work out was awesome, hard but awesome. 

Friday-we were suppose to swim but it never happen for me but Bob managed fit in a swim wo. We did run easy for 30 minutes holding an average heart rate of 75%. And 30 minutes  circuit weight resistance. Friday evening was a treat, Chinese food :) yummy! Crispy tofu, my favourite!

So overall, I am very pleased with my base training, 6 weeks until Ironman training. Feels so good to be back. 

Missing Sarah and our morning wo :( 


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed those buns. I'll soon have them posted on my blog. Love you. xoxoxo
