Never have I heard such beautiful words from the mouth of the "Voice of Ironman" Mike Reilly, "YOU are an Ironman" as I crossed the finish line. I, was going to be an Ironman... come hell or high waters. Mikey boy was going to say my name. I can. I will. End of story. Running down the shoot was pretty awesome, probably one of the most memorable experiences of my life, it was truly an "I lived" moment.
"Hope when the crowds screams out, they're screaming your name"
It's easy to feel intimidated by the ridiculous number of kilometers ahead of you on race day but in all honestly, Team Bobkat Bobby, explains it best "race day is just another long training day". So, isn't anymore ridiculous then all the training leading up to Ironman.
What's another 226k?
16 weeks of ridiculous early mornings and late night training. There were some mornings during training , I wondered if I could physically get out of bed and I am a morning person. But, slowly it becomes easy- "just gotta get it done". Now it's time to trust myself and my training and the team bobkat outfits, matching bikes & Kraft dinner.
What's another 226k?
16 weeks of ridiculous early mornings and late night training. There were some mornings during training , I wondered if I could physically get out of bed and I am a morning person. But, slowly it becomes easy- "just gotta get it done". Now it's time to trust myself and my training and the team bobkat outfits, matching bikes & Kraft dinner.
So where do I start in recapping my first Ironman?
In summary, what a glorious [HOT] day! The race, was simply [hot] awesome from beginning to end. Would it have been better if it wasn't sooo hot for a Newfoundlander?! Maybe. It was hot for everyone else too. But race day is all about the weather conditions too. For any Newfoundlander, especially, this summer in St. John's, it was one of the coldest summers on record. Race day was waaarrrrmmmmm!
In summary, what a glorious [HOT] day! The race, was simply [hot] awesome from beginning to end. Would it have been better if it wasn't sooo hot for a Newfoundlander?! Maybe. It was hot for everyone else too. But race day is all about the weather conditions too. For any Newfoundlander, especially, this summer in St. John's, it was one of the coldest summers on record. Race day was waaarrrrmmmmm!
This could be a really long blog but instead Canadian Ironamy basically said it all for me! Click on the link and take a read.

There was never a moment that I didn't wish to be out ther! Oooookkkkaay, maaaaybeeee a few moments while hanging out in the porta potty but even then I was smiling! How could you not smile while being in a small,[hot] enclosed structure with a seat built over a pit and serving over 2000 athletes?!
I learn a lot during my first Ironman race. Big lesson-
#1. Train in heat. Pro Linsey explains Tip # 1 heeeeeeaaaatttt
#2. Anything can happen-the good, the bad and the ugly, even for the Pros.
#3. Nutrition- Linsey Corbin says it best Corbin's race tips
#4. If you lost faith in humanity, do an Ironman & you will gain it all back especially when you are throwing up on a volunteer.
#5. following a training plan is key.
#6. When you feel the worse there is ALWAYS someone else who is worse off than you.
#7. A support team is a must! I had the best support team, especially 5 people who got me to race day :)
#1. Train in heat. Pro Linsey explains Tip # 1 heeeeeeaaaatttt
#2. Anything can happen-the good, the bad and the ugly, even for the Pros.
#3. Nutrition- Linsey Corbin says it best Corbin's race tips
#4. If you lost faith in humanity, do an Ironman & you will gain it all back especially when you are throwing up on a volunteer.
#5. following a training plan is key.
#6. When you feel the worse there is ALWAYS someone else who is worse off than you.
#7. A support team is a must! I had the best support team, especially 5 people who got me to race day :)
Team bobkat Bobby- simply amazing!! 16 weeks of training with him was fun & exciting. Even on days when I didn't want to move an inch of my body, he was always there with something funny to say and a big smile on his face. I can't wait to start training again with him. I couldn't ask for a better training/life partner. And, also another big highlight leading up to my first Ironman, on Aug 13, in Ottawa, team bobkat Bobby popped the question. Team bobkat Kat said yes!!
TriMacSquared Sarah Ph.D, she is inspiring in so many ways- positive, always has something funny to say, she is a go-getter. She dreams big. She motivates me and pushes me to give my best and she always has the right thing to say and a pro in my books.
Flat out Jim- made sure we were not over doing it and always giving us tips and was always encouraging us and a very good swim partner.
Coach Keith - a man with lots of knowledge and wisdom. Couldn't ask for a better coach.
Mom- a mother's love is truly the best love.
The goal: to always improve....
"I lived"
"I lived"